Ink 19
Great bands can pop up anywhere; this one comes from the wonderfully rustic locale of Bovina, New York. A million miles away from the hustle and heroin scene in “The City,” Bovina has the rustic sensibility that makes people entertain themselves and this band is highly entertaining. Opener “It Didn’t Take” sounds like a modern band is trying to copy the 1960es girl group without having ever seen or heard one. A steel guitar sound fills the backing of “Sorry”; here some sad sack of a guy is trying to apologize his way out of being caught in the wrong bed. Too bad his girlfriend overheard him practicing his speech. “Pine Tar” is a song only a true sports fan could love; it’s a ballad about losing an important game for having too much tar on a bat. Based on a true story is has more detail about the game’s line up that any normal person should worry about. But these guys aren’t normal, they CARE about their sports teams. There’s an American cultural history lesson in “Need Not Apply.” Here we travel back to the days when the Irish were despised by “good thinking” people, just as Mexicans are viewed today by those same blue bloods. Lastly let’s take a spin with “Gold Digger,” it’s what the band has chosen for today’s version of the hot single. Here we transport to a universe of old school blues. Whispers of “Smokestack Lightening” underlie the juicy female vocal. She sings “No Nine to Five, it’s not up your alley” and hey, what better reason could there be to start a band? Good, clean vocals, clever song writing and a variety of American styles make this an excellent entertainment choice for the modern twenty something as well as the aging boomers. And as for the Millennials? They should get a copy as well.